Monsanto, the witch with poison apple?
Het doel van dit document is om in te zoomen in hoeverre multinationals zoals Monsanto aansprakelijk kunnen worden gesteld voor schendingen van het recht op een gezonde leefomgeving, het recht op voedsel en het recht op gezondheid (hierna te noemen: de basisrechten).
Hieronder kunt u het artikel teruglezen in het Engels.
This paper will focus on the ongoing and unresolved debate between initiatives to impose binding legal obligations on Multinational Companies (hereinafter referred to as: MNCs) such as Monsanto and their voluntary corporate social responsibility.
The aim of this paper is not to provide a full and exhaustive list of tools or mechanisms dealing with MNCs and their negative impact on human rights, but rather to zoom in to what extent MNCs such as Monsanto can be held liable for violations of the right to a healthy environment, the right to food and the right to health (hereinafter referred to as: the basic rights).
You can find the paper here.